Messaging and Research

Rivers are essential to life, yet they are disappearing at an alarming rate due to pollution, floods, and droughts. The public overwhelmingly supports clean water protections, but this broad support has yet to translate into widespread policy action. 

The American Rivers Action Fund is bridging this gap by turning public sentiment into policy wins at the state and local levels. Strategic messaging that goes beyond educating, and mobilizes support for popular ideas into action and engagement is needed now more than ever. 

When water is on the ballot, water wins 

Our 2024 water testing and research shows that water is: 

  • An urgent public health and safety priority 

  • A nonpartisan, shared value 

  • A unifying issue across demographics and ideologies 

Read our 2024 message research summary 

Water messages that mobilize

American Rivers Action Fund created a guide to highlight best practices in water-related messages, specifically to mobilize public support for clean water policies and leaders.

We used existing polling, new message testing, and lessons from the field to shape the recommendations.